About Us

St. Patrick's Primary School, Drumgreenagh is a Catholic Maintained School situated in the Parish of Drumgath. It was established in 1998 following the amalgamation of two small, historic, parish schools - Lugancahone P.S. and St. Colman's P.S., Barnmeen. The Department of Education determined that Lurganchone PS was to close and a new school for the parish of Drumgath was to be established on the site of the former St. Colman's P.S. (Barnmeen). The school is situated in the townland of Drumgreenagh, in the Parish of Drumgath, and so the new school was named - St Patrick's PS, Drumgreenagh.
To accommodate larger pupil numbers the existing school building was extended, a green and navy uniform was selected and a new school crest featuring the Drumgath Bell was designed. The new school was officially opened on the 28th May 1999.
Since 1998, St Patrick's Primary School has flourished. The school was extended and modified in 2011 and now comprises four classrooms, a dining/ assembly hall and a resource room/ library. The school is a small, rural, friendly environment, with roots firmly embedded in the parish and community of Drumgath. We have strong links with Drumgath GAC and Drumgath Parish and we are very proud supporters of the local GAA teams and Rathfriland FC.
The Arts
There is a long tradition of the Arts in St. Patrick's PS. During their time in St Patrick's the children have many opportunities to participate in Banbridge, Warrenpoint and Newry Feiseanna in speech and language, solo singing and choir competitions.
In 2018 the school choir, under the guidance of Mrs Mc Caughey, appeared on 'Britain's Got Talent' and was catapulted to fame. The experience of the show will live long in the memories of the staff and the children.
Choir practice takes place each Wednesday after school and each Friday afternoon. Children who are not in the choir enjoy music lessons with Mrs Kane, Ms Mc Conville and Mr Keenan on Friday afternoon.
Additional Activities
Each week the Primary One- Seven children enjoy Spanish lessons with Mrs Patricia Connolly and GAA coaching sessions with Ambrose Rodgers (Down GAA). Tutors from the EA Music Service teach brass and stringed instruments to selected children. The Primary Four/ Seven children participate in swimming lessons in Newry Leisure Centre.
The Friends of St. Patrick's P.S.
The Friends of St. Patricks P.S. is a very active group of parents which supports the school in a variety of ways. The Friends' Group organises a wide range of after-school activities. During their time in school the children will have the opportunity to participate in a variety of afterschool activities e.g.Fitness, Art, Music, Drama.
The Parish of Drumgath (extract from Dromore Diocese website)
Drumgath is one of the smallest parishes in the diocese of Dromore. It comprises thirteen townlands and includes the small market town of Rathfriland which dominates the surrounding drumlin countryside. The parish was established by the Synod of Kells in 1152 when parishes in Ireland were first created. There are three Roman Catholic churches in the parish: Saint Colman's, Barnmeen, Saint Mary's, Rathfriland and Saint Patrick's, Drumgath. Around these three Catholic community identities have grown up.
Prior to the Synod of Kells, the district was ministered to by monks. It is likely that there was a monastery around about the site of the old Drumgath Cemetery - the finding of a ninth or tenth-century bell by a local woman in 1764 would substantiate this. The bell is a small hand-bell of the type which was common in Irish monasteries from the time of St. Patrick until the year 1000. An image of the bell was chosen for the crest of St Patrick's PS.
St Patrick's Primary School, Longstone Hill, Rathfriland, Newry BT34 5BT | Phone: (028) 40 630 587